Screenshots demonstrate the difference between new and classic Padlet menu bar

Spot the difference in your Padlet Dashboard

Padlet’s new dashboard layout has been applied to your account. Changes include the location of menu navigation, bookmarks/folder area, user settings and more… Learn how to navigate around the new […]

Steps demonstrate adding medias to comment

Padlet – add images and media to post comments

Padlet participants can now add images in their comments. Media options included uploading your images, drawing, or grabbing a quick image from the internet. This small improvement will surely make your Padlet […]

July banner for website

July 2024

In this edition, you will be informed about the upcoming Zoom Classroom and Padlet changes. Discover some tips and tricks when interacting with Padlet posts, or quickly searching for Panopto videos. Lastly, explore some workshop options to get you started with your teaching journey.