Did you know the H5P Smart Import tool can automatically generate one or more H5P activities, just from a web page, document, or text?
Simply by uploading a file, or pasting a webpage or text, the H5P AI engine will analyse and enhance the provided content. Identify key concepts, and then create information and interactives to test the learners’ knowledge.
What is the best type of content for Smart Import?
Currently, the Smart Import works best with any content that explains concepts and facts. Content types that can be processed:
- Audio: MP3, WAS, OPUS, OGG, OGA, M4A, SoundCloud
- Video: M4V, MP4, WebM, Wistia, YouTube, Vimeo
- Document: PDF, DOC, DOCX, ODT
Ready to explore more? Refer to our guide H5P Smart Import, and come along to
- Workshop Creating H5P content with Smart Import, by the Hive team, and
- Webinar Different ways to use AI in H5P Webinar, by the H5P team.