April 2023

VU Collaborate Help April newsletter banner text


Welcome to the April edition of the VU Collaborate Help Newsletter. We hope you had a good start to the new year and are excited for Block teaching in 2023.

Below is some information on

Block Key Dates  |  VU Collaborate News  |  Tip of the Month  |   Learning and Teaching  |  Upcoming Events

*use the links to get straight to each section

Block Key Dates

Find out about block space creation dates and preparation for upcoming teaching periods.  

1. When are Delivery Spaces created?

Delivery spaces will be available 2 weeks prior to your teaching period, and 5 weeks prior for placement units. To check for the teaching period, refer to the VU calendar.

2. Which Master Space will be used?

*UG: undergraduate; *PG: postgraduate

Delivery ModeMaster Space
UG/PG Block(Online)
UG/PG Block Online Real-time (ORT)(Online)
UG/PG Block Online Self-paced (OSP)(Online SP)
8 Week PG Block(8Week Block)
Offshore Standard (12w) Delivery(Offshore)
Offshore Block(Offshore Block)
Table 1 – Which Master Space will be used?

3. What should I check before the block starts?

*Use this checklist to review and adjust all components in the VU Collaborate Delivery Space after it has been created and before students have access to it. 

4. How to find my delivery/teaching spaces?

All block 3 delivery spaces will be under 2023-H1B3. To search for your space using the new term, see How to search for your delivery space.

Semester 1 Block 2 Final Friday

Due to upcoming Public holidays (Easter), the Final Friday for this block will be Friday the 21st of April. Please ensure your results are finalised in VU Collaborate by 5 pm on that day.

Results will be released to students on the following Monday. For more information on Final Friday, refer to Everything you need to know about Final Friday

VU Collaborate News

Renaming of Callista Result Code in your Gradebook

From 20th March, Callista Result Code in all Block Model unit gradebook has been renamed to SMS Result Code (Student Management System). This name change will not affect the use of your current or existing grade codes.

You may use L (Unconfirmed/Late grade) where needed, PL for placement units, and S (Satisfactory ungraded pass) or U (Ungraded fail) for Pass/Fail units. If no value is entered, the grade return process will be determined by the final adjusted grade. 

For more details on gradebook in block model units, refer to How to use the Gradebook in block model units.

If your unit does not have any SMS Result Code, please contact us at VUCollaborateHelp@vu.edu.au for further assistance.

a screenshot of how to activate respondus lockdown

Respondus Lockdown Browser is now enabled for all HE units

We are pleased to inform you that the Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLBD) is now re-enabled in VU Collaborate for all Higher Education units. You can activate the Respondus browser for quizzes and find the settings from the LockDown Browser tab (1) in Manage Quizzes.

It is recommended you only use RLDB for on-campus invigilated tests with a final weighting of 20% or more. For more details on how to enable the browser on a specific quiz, refer to our guide Respondus Lockdown Browser (RLDB).

Or come to our training sessions for more instructions.

a screenshot of new discussion interface

Introducing a new Discussion creation experience

The new VU Collaborate Discussion Topic creation is coming at the end of April 2023 and is enabled as an opt-in feature.

You can (A) leave it on, (B) Turn it off, and you will be able to (C) switch between the old and new interface as desired until the end of this year.

This enhancement will bring the Discussion tool in line with the Assessment Dropbox and Quizzes create/edit interface.

a screenshot of new originality layout

Getting started with the New Originality analysis report

We are also excited to inform you of the new Originality report interface, implemented at the end of March.

With the new interface, you can easily look for matching texts and their sources as well as exclude them directly from the Document view.

To learn more about Originality Report, go to our guide Interpreting the Originality Report, or come along to our workshop via VU Develop.

a screenshot of different types of padlet

Exploring new features in Padlet

Organising your posts with Sections

You can now manage and group student posts into sections. Sections are available for all Padlet boards, except in Canvas format.

To find out more, refer to our guide: Using Padlet

Presenting student posts using Slideshow

Turning your Padlet board into presentation slides with a simple click on the Open Slideshow button. The look and format of the presentation will be the same as the appearance settings in current your board.

Workshop – Padlet for teaching

Want to get started with Padlet? Or, do you already love it but want to learn about some new features? Come along to this hands-on virtual session, register on VU Develop.

Ready to explore more with us?

Workshops – See the Training Calendar

Guides – See VU Collaborate Help guides and resources

HIVE Sessions – Book a One-on-One Session

Email – Send questions to VUCollaborateHelp@vu.edu.au

Tip of the Month

Tip #1: Do you have a group assessment that would like to link to the dropbox?

Simply go to Edit Folder from your desired dropbox folder, then select Group Assignment from Submission & Completion (a). From here, you can link to the relevant student group set (b).

a screenshot shows how to link group to dropbox

Tip #2: You can also quickly tell if your assessment is set as group submission or connect to the gradebook via the assessment icons: (1) link to a group set/category and (2) linked to gradebook.

Refer to

a screenshot of assessment icons on dropbox

Do you have any technology-enhanced learning tips that you would like to know or share across the University? Email us at VUCollaborateHelp@vu.edu.au.

Learning & Teaching

L&T Symposium Highlight

Colleagues from Moondani Balluk, VU’s Indigenous Academic Unit, presented a powerful panel at the 2022 L&T Symposium on Teaching Block while Blak.

If you didn’t see it last December or would like to watch it again, view it on the Symposium sharepoint site (login required).

How to reference generative artificial intelligence (AI) in learning and research.

Do you need your students to be able to reference the use of Chat GPT or other AI tools? Generative AI examples have now been added to VU referencing guides. See below:

Please note that the advice on these guides is being updated regularly.

Upcoming Events

APRIL 2023Date
Public Holidays7 – 11 Apr
Semester 1 Block 3 Delivery Space Creation17 Apr
Using the Dropbox Originality Check12 Apr 12:00 PM
Padlet for teaching13 Apr 13:00 PM
VU Collaborate Analytics27 Apr 12:00 PM
Sem 1 Block 2 Final Friday21 Apr
Student access to Sem 1 Block 3 Delivery Spaces24 Apr
On-campus Hive Drop-in (City Tower – T1516)Mondays & Tuesdays
On-campus Hive Drop-in (Footscray Park- A202)Wednesdays & Thursdays
Table 2 – upcoming events

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