August 2023

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Welcome to the August edition of the VU Collaborate Newsletter. We hope you are doing well and are excited for Block teaching.

Below is some information on

Block Key Dates  |  VU Collaborate News  |  Tip of the Month |   Learning and Teaching  |  Upcoming Events

*use the links to get straight to each section

Block Key Dates

Find out about block space creation dates and preparation for upcoming teaching periods.  

1. When are Delivery Spaces created?

Delivery spaces will be available 2 weeks prior to your teaching period, and 5 weeks prior for placement units. To check for the teaching period, refer to the VU calendar.

2. Which Master Space will be used?

*UG: undergraduate; *PG: postgraduate

Delivery ModeMaster Space
UG/PG Block(Online)
UG/PG Block Online Real-time (ORT)(Online)
UG/PG Block Online Self-paced (OSP)(Online SP)
8 Week PG Block(8Week Block)
Offshore Standard (12w) Delivery(Offshore)
Offshore Block(Offshore Block)
Table 1 – Which Master Space will be used?

3. What should I check before the block starts?

*Use this checklist to review and adjust all components in the VU Collaborate Delivery Space after it has been created and before students have access to it. 

4. How to find my delivery/teaching spaces?

All Semester 2 Block 2 delivery spaces will be under 2023-H2B2. To search for your space using the new term, see How to search for your delivery space.

H2B1 Final Friday

The Final Friday for this block will be Friday the 25th of August. Please ensure your results are finalised in VU Collaborate by 5 pm on that day.
Results will be released to students on the following Monday. For more information on Final Friday, refer to Everything you need to know about Final Friday

VU Collaborate News

Turnitin’s AI writing detector

In addition to the similarity match report, Turnitin can detect text that is likely to have been produced by artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT. You can access this tool within the similarity check, to generate a report with highlighted text that may be of concern.

Note: As this tool is in its infancy, it should not be used solely in any investigation of academic misconduct, but rather a part of further investigation.

Want to learn more? 

Visit AI Writing Detection, by Turnitin to learn about the report.
Visit Turnitin, by VU Collaborate Help to enable Turnitin and view the reports.
View the Training Calendar, to book a Turnitin Workshop session. 

screenshot shows student names and assessment details appeared in rubric marking

Student names are now included when marking with rubric

With the new improvement on the rubric marking view, the system now includes the student’s name when viewing and marking the entire rubric in a pop-out window. In addition, the details below will also be included in the rubric pop-out:

  • Assessment Dropbox’s name
  • Unit Title
  • Student’s name

Note that if you enable the Anonymous Marking option in your assessment Dropbox, all name fields in the rubric pop-out will display as Anonymous.

Learn how to mark with rubrics in the Dropbox via our guide, or come along to our training session: Grading & Assessing in VU Collaborate

examples of different types of H5P live engaging activities

Gamify learning with H5P live engaging activities

Looking for a way to incorporate gamification and game-based learning in your classroom? With H5P live engagement content types, you can easily create and embed game-based activities into your VU Collaborate space, and allow up to 750 real-time players per game. H5P live engaging activities are available as:

  • The Chase (live quiz competitions),
  • Multi-poll,
  • Word Cloud,
  • Emoji Cloud.

Ready to discover more? Try it out!
Learn from our guides on Creating engaging learning activities with H5P, or come to our training sessions.

Ready to explore more with us?

Workshops – See the Training Calendar

Guides – See VU Collaborate Help guides and resources

HIVE Sessions – Book a One-on-One Session

Email – Send questions to

Tip of the Month

Export Class and Group List directly from VU Collaborate

Want a class list with email addresses, or group enrolments? In your VU Collaborate space, simply go Enter Grades view from your Gradebook. Select Export, and then the required options.

Not only is this a quick way to get a list of all student names, and emails in your class. Additionally, you can download Group Enrolment lists, to see who is in each group, or to check if all students have been successfully allocated.

Want to give it a try? Refer to Exporting and Importing Gradebook Data guide.

Learning & Teaching

Calling All Academics: Spotlight Your Panopto Classroom Innovations and Successes!

We are seeking an academic to present alongside the Video Hive team. This is an opportunity for VU to showcase how Panopto is being used to other educational organisations using or considering using Panopto.

To register your interest, please fill in the form below. You will be asked to describe how you are using Panopto in your teaching. We are seeking novel or interesting ways that Panopto is being with students in the classroom, for the creation of resources, and/or for assessment. 

Location: VU City Queen Campus
Date: Wednesday 23rd August
Session 1: 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm

  • 1 x (short) 15 min presentation (AVAILABLE)
  • 1 x (short) 10 min presentation (Video Hive Team)
  • 10 min Q&A

Note: This is a user group meeting, not a conference.
Register here

Upcoming Events

AUGUST 2023Date
Block Key Dates
Semester 2 Block 2 Delivery Space Creation14 Aug
Student access to Semester 2 Block 2 Delivery Spaces21 Aug
Semester 2 Block 1 Final Friday25 Aug
Upcoming Sessions
Turnitin Similarity CheckSee training calendar for session dates & times
Grading & Assessing in VU Collaborate10 Aug 12:00 PM
Creating engaging learning activities with H5P15 Aug 14:00 PM
City Tower – T1516 Hive Drop-inSee training calendar
Footscray Park – A202 Hive Drop-inSee training calendar
Table 2 – upcoming events

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