Turnitin AI writing detector banner

Turnitin’s AI writing detector

In addition to the similarity match report, Turnitin can detect text that is likely to have been produced by artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT. You can access this tool […]

a screenshot of steps on how to enable quiz timer

Auto-submitting student attempt once the time is up!

Instructors can now choose to have quizzes automatically submit student responses when the set time limit is up. Simply tick on Set time limit (1) from Timing & Display to enable quiz timing. Then, enter a time […]

a screenshot example of Turnitin from a user perspective

Turnitin is returning to VU Collaborate!

Returning in July 2023, Turnitin is scheduled to replace Ouriginal (Urkund) by November 2023. During the transition period, you can either enable Turnitin or Ouriginal Check (Urkund) on your assessment Dropbox.  Ready […]