In this August 2023 edition, we are diving in Turnitin AI writing detector. Exploring an improvement in rubric marking view and gamification in your classroom using H5P. For our tip of the month, let’s look at how to export class and group list from VU Collaborate.
July 2023
In this July 2023 edition, we are excited to announce the retirement of the old quiz interface. Exploring a new auto-submit quiz attempt feature and Turnitin Similarity Check resources. For our tip of the month, let’s look at how to prepare for your upcoming block teaching.
June 2023
In this June 2023 edition, we excited to announce the return of Turnitin. We also explore some of the upcoming changes in quiz and discussion interfaces. For our tip of the month, you will learn how to adjust the performance score when using rubric for markings.
May 2023
In this May 2023 edition, we explore eductor insights in Reading list, how to sort and search for posts in Padlet. We also excited to inform that H5P question types are available in all quiz interfaces. For our tip of the month, you can explore how to enable Zoom automated captions for more accessible meetings.