VU Collaborate Help newsletter banner for April 2023 issue

April 2023

In this April 2023 edition, we annouce some changes including Callista result code and enabling respondus lockdown across all HE units. We also introduce a new interface for discussiom and Originality check. For our tip of the month, you can explore how to link student groups into dropbox and get to know some assessment icons.

vu collaborate help banner text

March 2023

In this March 2023 edition, we introduce a new access for course chair, some exciting features for H5P interactive book and our first back to campus workshop. For our tip of the month, you can explore a simple trick to make resource links open in a new tab.

February 2023

In this first edition of the 2023 newsletters, we introduce a quicker way to access H5P activity via H5P Quicklink, explore what is Panopto captionings and how can we add automatic captions. We also pleased to inform our staff about the ability to enrol another staff member as Block Convenor in delivery space.

October 2022

In this Oct edition, we introduce a new feature of student preview in Feedback Fruits activity, immersive reader in Anthology Ally. We also learn how to find completion data of each contents in VUC.